Every concussed athlete will describe their symptoms differently and no two concussions are alike. The key to keeping our athletes safe is being able to recognize and report when a concussion is suspected. As a coach, the signs and symptoms of a concussion can be either observed or reported to you by the athlete or teammate. It is important to know that concussion symptoms will change throughout the athlete's recovery.
Physical | Cognitive |
Poor balance | Appears dazed or confused |
Loss of consciousness | Slowed speech |
Vacant stare/glassy-eyed | Forgets plays or instructions |
Disorientation | Slow to respond |
Emotional | Maintenance |
Poor balance | Appears dazed or confused |
Loss of consciousness | Slowed speech |
Behavior changes |
Physical | Cognitive |
Headache | Feeling in a "fog" |
Blurred vision | Feeling slowed down |
Dizziness or "seeing stars" | Difficulty concentrating |
Nausea | Difficulty remembering |
Numbness/tingling | Easily confused |
Sensitivity to light or noise | |
Disorientation | |
Neck pain |
Emotional | Maintenance |
Not feeling right | Feeling tired |
Nervousness/anxiety | Difficulty sleeping |
Irritable | Drowsiness |
Sad | Excess sleep |
Lack of motivation | Loss of appetite |
In a study investigating what kinds of symptoms concussed athletes reported during the first 7 days after injury.
Commonly reported signs & symptoms: [1]
As a student athlete recovers from a concussion his or her symptoms will vary in the type of symptoms, the intensity and the duration. Symptoms that are present in the acute stage of a concussion may not be present in the 2-3 weeks following the injury.
» Signs and symptoms of a concussion
» Team approach to concussion management
» Why is there a concussion law in Hawaii and what is second impact syndrome?