Information for Parents

BrainSpace training course for Parents

Designed to provide parents of student athletes information on the nature and recovery process surrounding concussions.

Begin course

If your child's school employs a registered athletic trainer, he/she will give you specific instructions on what to do next. You should be given:

» Referral to a medical professional, most likely your primary care physician or in some cases the emergency room.

» Information on cognitive rest. Cognitive rest over the next 72 hours is important because you do not want to overtax your brain. It is comparable to using crutches when someone injuries their ankle. To rest the ankle, the crutches aid in taking the weight off the injured ankle, therefore not stressing the joint when walking.

» Information on Home Care. Your child should be taken immediately to the emergency room if you notice your concussed child having:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Unequal, dilated, or unreactive pupils
  • Decreasing level of consciousness
  • Mental status changes, becomes lethargic
  • Headache intensity increases
  • Seizures

24-72 Hours Post Injury

Have your child see the registered athletic trainer, coach, or athletic director within the next 24 – 72 hours for follow-up care. During this time, your child may be administered the following tests:

  • Neurocognitive test such as ImPACT. This test is designed to assess brain functions such as memory, processing speed, and reaction.
  • Postural stability test such as the BESS. This test is designed to assess balance and coordination.
  • Symptom evaluation such as the Post Concussion Symptom Score. This test is designed to assess the types of symptoms and the severity that the concussed child may be having.

During this time it is important to also notify your school that your child has been diagnosed with a concussion. Often times children with concussions may have difficulty in school and with classwork because of the injury to the brain. Math problems, reading, computer time, even bright lights and loud noise taxes the brain's metabolic function and may trigger symptoms making your child feel worse. Therefore, by notifying the school, it could be possible that short-term adjustments to the student's day may be implemented to reduce the triggering of symptoms.

After 72 Hours

After 72 hours of injury it is important to be an advocate for your concussed child.

  • More cognitive rest may be needed and school may be missed
  • Notify or return to MD if symptoms do not resolve within 1 – 2 weeks
  • Physical rest should be enforced until MD and Athletic Trainer clears them for physical activity
  • Be aware of stresses and anxiety that may be associated with a concussion

Factsheet for Parents

Specific information geared towards parents, to help provide information and guidance regarding concussions.

For Parents